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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Steps on how to bake perfect cakes for that Special Event , Profesionals Secrets.


If u you want to bake a Nigerian wedding cake, Birthday cake for your kids or you just want
to bake a cake fir your  munching on from time to time, the Nigerian cake recipe detailed on this post is the basics for all Nigerian cake recipes. All you need to do is add a little style to yours. But becareful not to  go too far with it else you ruin your bake.

 Ingredient Needed 

  • 500g/1.1 lbs. 
  • Plain Flour
  • 12 Medium Eggs500g/1.1 lbs. 
  • Butter (NOT Margarine)400g/0.88 lbs. 
  • Granulated Sugar
  • 3 teaspoons of Baking Powder
  • 3 tablespoons of Vanilla ExtractHalf cup of Brandy

Tools Needed for baking the cake

  1. An oven with top & down heating capability.
  2. Cake mixer.
  3. Kitchen scale. 
  4. Sieve or Sifter
  5. Egg Whisk.
  6. Bowls 
  7. Spatulas
  8. Cake Pan: 10 inches in diameter and 2.5 inches deep.

More info and tips about the ingredients to be used 

*The flour to be used

A plain flour is advisable,for you to have success with the Cake recipe detailed on this post. I do not have any idea if using a self-rising flour will do to your cake. The problem with self-rising flour is that they never state the amount of the leavening agent (in this case, baking powder) they added to the flour. This is why plain flour is preferred so that I have more control over the amount of baking powder that I add to the cake recipe.

The butter to be used

Please use baking butter NOT margarine. You can buy baking butter from any shop that sells bakery ingredients. For my US audience whose butter may come in sticks. I don't know the weight of 1 stick of butter. i hope this is written on the wrapping so you can check it and then know how many sticks correspond to 1.1 lbs.

Please avoid melting the butter. get it out from the fridge the day before you make your cake. This way, it will be soft enough for creaming on the next day when you are ready to bake the cake.


Make sure your granulated sugar is grinded so smoothly. This reduces the creaming time.


The job of the vanilla extract is to add a vanilla flavour to the cake. If you want another flavour such as pineapple, butterscotch (used in wedding cakes) etc, please use it to replace the vanilla flavor.

*Dry Fruits

If you want to add dry fruits such as raisins, please soak these in brandy for at least 1 week (up to 1 month for Nigerian wedding cakes) before adding it to your cake. This also serve as preservatives


The brandy is a preservative for the cake. With all those eggs in the cake, it can go bad before the event if you don't add brandy or any other cake preservative to it. Here, I am talking about if you will place the cake on the counter for a few days while decorating it (especially for wedding cakes). But for urgent use then there's no need for brandy

Please avoid excess use of brandy to avoid people feeling tipsy after eating your cake.


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