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Sunday, September 6, 2015

23 fact you might have never heard about Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo

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1. He has set up three universities without government assistance; Covenant University, Ota, Landmark University at Omu Aran and Crown University at Calabar.

2. Living Faith Tabernacle, Ota, which he heads, seats 50,000. It is reported to be the largest church auditorium in the world, benchmarked in the Guinness Book of Records in 2008 and 2009.

3. He met his wife when he was 22.

4. He was named in 2011 by Forbes Magazine as the richest pastor in Nigeria, worth over $150 million.

5. Five years after his ordination as a pastor, he was ordained a bishop in 1988.

6. His clan, Odo-oro (place of wealth) and family lineage believes in hardwork.

7. Having rejected a charm his father gave him, he developed whitlow on a finger on his right hand. He wrote three exams the next day and came out with a second class division in secondary school.

8. He once challenged God to heal him of tuberculosis as a secondary school student, after his fellow mates shifted their beds away from him, and he was healed.

9. He received a mandate from God through an 18 hour vision in May 1981.

10. Oyedepo Ministries International include; four private jets, estates, restaurants, shopping stores, bakery, processing plants, commercial properties and educational institutions etc.

11. Dominion Publishing House was established on December 5, 1992, and has over 4 million prints in circulation to date.

12. He built Faith Tabernacle within 12 months, debt free.

13. Faith Tabernacle was dedicated on September 18, 1999, under Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration.

14. He is a strong critic of corruption in Africa as a whole and poor leadership in government.

15. His awards include; International Who is Who of Intellectuals, 13th Edition  International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England and Inscribed in the Jerusalem 3000 Scroll #102268 among others.

16. Some of his Best Selling books include; Pillars of Faith, Born to Win, Possessing your Possessionamongst others.

17. His son, David Jnr pastors the London branch of the church, with his wife, Kemi.

18.Isaac Oyedepo is the present resident pastor of Winners’ Chapel International, South Africa.

19. His association with Pastor Enoch Adeboye dates back to the 80s.

20. He organises a yearly programme called Shiloh at Canaanland, Ota, Ogun state.

21. He first shared the gospel in March 1970.

22. He met his wife at a motor park.

23. He has empowered over 2,000 of church members.

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